Little Free Library Movement
I stumbled across the Little Free Library Movement when searching online for a simple yet clever (world-changing) idea for my daughter's new club at Bacon Academy, her high school in Colchester, Connecticut. Erica joined a volunteer club this year which helps with local projects and wanted to make a bigger impact. With a friend she initiated a new club called International Causes. Their group aims to raise funds and participate in projects that will help various causes around the world. I am very proud of the hard work Erica is doing!
Started by someone in South Korea, the Little Free Library offers access to books for children and adults living in inner cities, towns, rural and remote locations around the world. The Little Free Library website offers pdf guides to download plans to build an official small take-one/leave-one library of your own. All that is needed is some recycled material, download info to make it "official" with a library steward, and you can register your Little Free Library's Google map online. Give it your own special, creative twist! Little Free Library also accepts donations toward building a library for a place in need in Africa. Check out Little Free Library's map of locations to see if one is near (or needed) near you!
Have you ever come across a Little Free Library?